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Marie-Emmanuelle Hartness on Independent Film Week 2013

The IFP’s Independent Film Week is a fantastic annual showcase of independent films at different stages of development by both emerging and established artists. During this week, the IFP connects filmmakers with funders, broadcasters, sales agents, festival programmers and other key film supporters in an attempt to gain traction for the selected projects.

Just one week left to send in ideas for Op-Docs!

Our friends at the Camden International Film Festival have partnered with the New York Times to create the first Op-Docs pitch event in North America. Documentary filmmakers from the United States are invited to submit their ideas for short documentaries that fit the editorial and creative scope of the New York Times Op-Docs series. View the films at The deadline for entries is Friday, August 9, 2013 at 11:59pm EST.

Nellie’s Farewell Blog Post

This is the end of my fourth and final year as Program Assistant at LEF New England; with complete confidence, I’m handing over my keys to the LEF office to Gen Carmel

Reflections on a week at the Flaherty from LEF’s Flaherty Fellows

From June 15 – 21, the Flaherty Film Seminar hosted its 59th program: HISTORY IS WHAT’S HAPPENING. For the uninitiated, this annual, intensive weeklong seminar brings filmmakers, programmers, scholars and students together to discuss, dissect and celebrate cinema. Since 2009, LEF Foundation has supported a fellowship program that sends New England-based filmmakers to the seminar for professional development and, importantly, inspiration. This year’s fellows were Beth Balaban, Chico Colvard, Hunter Synder, and Jim Wolpaw.

Hot Docs 2013 – Program Director Sara Archambault pitches at the Forum and lives to tell the tale

For several years now, I have sat on a variety of pitch panels. From a privileged seat like this, these are great events where I see new work, hear from smart colleagues, smile at a turn of wit, and wince at the inevitable awkward moments. Like most of my brethren on “that” side of the table, I try to be kind, constructive and fair in my comments to these filmmakers struggling to make their vision come to light. I try to imagine what it must be like to be in their shoes. But what I have learned is that nothing can prepare you for what it must be like to be in those shoes until you are actually IN them. And that, my friends, is what I did in Toronto at the Hot Docs Forum 2013.

Neither/Nor at True/False

With all the reports filtering back Eastward from the 2013 True/False Film Festival in Columbia, MO as a non-eyewitness I can’t really pin down what happened out there, between the game shows, parades, parties and secret screenings and the festival’s commitment to questioning the genre line between fact and fiction.

Getting the Scoop on Multimedia News at MIT

I recently went to  “Convergence Journalism? Emerging Documentary and Multimedia Forms of News,” a discussion with Jason Spingarn-Koff, of the New York Times, and Alexandra Garcia, multimedia journalist at the Washington Post and current Neiman Fellow for journalism at Harvard University.

Marie-Emmanuelle Hartness on Independent Film Week 2013

The IFP’s Independent Film Week is a fantastic annual showcase of independent films at different stages of development by both emerging and established artists. During this week, the IFP connects filmmakers with funders, broadcasters, sales agents, festival programmers and other key film supporters in an attempt to gain traction for the selected projects.

Just one week left to send in ideas for Op-Docs!

Our friends at the Camden International Film Festival have partnered with the New York Times to create the first Op-Docs pitch event in North America. Documentary filmmakers from the United States are invited to submit their ideas for short documentaries that fit the editorial and creative scope of the New York Times Op-Docs series. View the films at The deadline for entries is Friday, August 9, 2013 at 11:59pm EST.

Nellie’s Farewell Blog Post

This is the end of my fourth and final year as Program Assistant at LEF New England; with complete confidence, I’m handing over my keys to the LEF office to Gen Carmel

Reflections on a week at the Flaherty from LEF’s Flaherty Fellows

From June 15 – 21, the Flaherty Film Seminar hosted its 59th program: HISTORY IS WHAT’S HAPPENING. For the uninitiated, this annual, intensive weeklong seminar brings filmmakers, programmers, scholars and students together to discuss, dissect and celebrate cinema. Since 2009, LEF Foundation has supported a fellowship program that sends New England-based filmmakers to the seminar for professional development and, importantly, inspiration. This year’s fellows were Beth Balaban, Chico Colvard, Hunter Synder, and Jim Wolpaw.

Hot Docs 2013 – Program Director Sara Archambault pitches at the Forum and lives to tell the tale

For several years now, I have sat on a variety of pitch panels. From a privileged seat like this, these are great events where I see new work, hear from smart colleagues, smile at a turn of wit, and wince at the inevitable awkward moments. Like most of my brethren on “that” side of the table, I try to be kind, constructive and fair in my comments to these filmmakers struggling to make their vision come to light. I try to imagine what it must be like to be in their shoes. But what I have learned is that nothing can prepare you for what it must be like to be in those shoes until you are actually IN them. And that, my friends, is what I did in Toronto at the Hot Docs Forum 2013.

Neither/Nor at True/False

With all the reports filtering back Eastward from the 2013 True/False Film Festival in Columbia, MO as a non-eyewitness I can’t really pin down what happened out there, between the game shows, parades, parties and secret screenings and the festival’s commitment to questioning the genre line between fact and fiction.

Getting the Scoop on Multimedia News at MIT

I recently went to  “Convergence Journalism? Emerging Documentary and Multimedia Forms of News,” a discussion with Jason Spingarn-Koff, of the New York Times, and Alexandra Garcia, multimedia journalist at the Washington Post and current Neiman Fellow for journalism at Harvard University.