Nellie’s Farewell Blog Post

This is the end of my fourth and final year as Program Assistant at LEF New England; with complete confidence, I’m handing over my keys to the LEF office to Gen Carmel, who is already showing uncanny job aptitude (she also has interesting insights into independent filmmaking in Beijing – ask her about it!). I’m moving on, which is a little sad, but I’m looking forward to staying in touch with the people I’ve been lucky to get to know during my time at LEF.

This includes the amazing filmmakers that LEF supports, whom I’ve met in person and through their work. With every grant review I’ve been a part of, I’ve seen the new footage, new questions, and new approaches to documentary filmmaking that these folks are coming up with all of the time. Through LEF-funded films I’ve been immersed in environments that range from fishing vessels to families, and I’ve gotten to see just how talented, resourceful, and and hardworking New England filmmakers are – like the programmers, exhibitors, and preservationists that make up the  film/video ecosystem here in Boston and the region.

Every day I’ve worked at LEF, I’ve gotten to see Lyda Kuth and Sara Archambault pouring their considerable joint energies into encouraging filmmakers. They give extensive feedback to grant applicants, they champion LEF films at festivals, they bring new work to Cambridge for DocYard screenings – all while pursuing their own documentary projects. Both of them have have been real inspirations, and I’m lucky in that they have directed a generous share of their encouragement at me – they’ve helped me grow as a LEF staff member, filmmaker, and person.

The bottom line: I’m so glad I found my way here four years ago – I’ll miss LEF but I’m excited to see all the new projects all of these New Englanders will come up with in the future!

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