Congratulations on your LEF Foundation
Moving Image Fund (MIF) Grant
This page is designed to help you understand the acknowledgement and reporting requirements of your LEF grant. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
Logo and Acknowledgements
Below, please find a downloadable version of the LEF logo. Any acknowledgement of support should read “LEF Moving Image Fund” and include the LEF logo. LEF requests that acknowledgement of our support appear in final credits for the film and on your project website.
Final Reporting Information
As a recipient of funding from the LEF Foundation, we ask that you take the time to complete a final report and submit it to our New England office. Final reports are due 90 days after the completion of the funded project phase, or by the next time the director or producer approaches LEF for funding, whichever is sooner. All prior grantees must have a final report on file before applying for future LEF funding.
Final Reports are assigned to granted projects in LEF’s grant management interface, and can be completed there. On your account Dashboard (the home icon in the toolbar), you will see a follow-up to be completed on your most recently funded project. If you do not see a final report to be completed, please email LEF Program Officer Matthew LaPaglia,
When you submit your final report, please do not make this your ‘final’ communication with LEF. Be sure to update us on future screenings, distribution opportunities, and other exciting news about your project!
We always love hearing updates from grantees by e-mail, but if you’re looking to share any major news, changes, or updates about your film more broadly, here are two additional ways you can keep LEF and LEF’s community of followers in the loop about your project:
Submit to the LEF monthly newsletter.
Use LEF’s newsletter submission form if you’d like us to share news about your work in our next monthly newsletter.
Keep your public grant directory listing up to date.
If you notice any information about your project is incorrect or out-of-date in our Moving Image Fund grants directory, please note this in your final report and feel free to contact us to request a link to suggest edits to this information.