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One Story, Two Movies

Always looking around for New England documentaries, even if we have to go inside other movies that aren’t New England documentaries, like <em>The Fighter</em>…

Perk Up Your Ears

It’s time to start thinking about applying for LEF’s upcoming deadline: production and post-production LOIs are due on <strong>Friday, 28 January at 5pm.</strong>


At Coolidge on December 6: IDA and the Center for Independent Documentary are presenting AN EVENING WITH JULIA BACHA – a Boston Installment of IDA’s Doc U Seminar Series Tickets

Atlantic Crossings

It’s a long way from New England, but back in the Olde Worlde the Sheffield Doc/Fest is happening now. Check out their website for a long list of

Skulls, Diseases, Forceps etc.

Creepy experimental animators the Quay Brothers (Brothers Quay?), have been commissioned to make a film at the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. I visited the Mutter recently

Dictionary Definitions

When even A.O. Scott is having a hard time defining contemporary documentary, imagine how difficult it must be for the rest of us: New York

One Story, Two Movies

Always looking around for New England documentaries, even if we have to go inside other movies that aren’t New England documentaries, like <em>The Fighter</em>…

Perk Up Your Ears

It’s time to start thinking about applying for LEF’s upcoming deadline: production and post-production LOIs are due on <strong>Friday, 28 January at 5pm.</strong>


At Coolidge on December 6: IDA and the Center for Independent Documentary are presenting AN EVENING WITH JULIA BACHA – a Boston Installment of IDA’s Doc U Seminar Series Tickets

Atlantic Crossings

It’s a long way from New England, but back in the Olde Worlde the Sheffield Doc/Fest is happening now. Check out their website for a long list of

Skulls, Diseases, Forceps etc.

Creepy experimental animators the Quay Brothers (Brothers Quay?), have been commissioned to make a film at the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. I visited the Mutter recently

Dictionary Definitions

When even A.O. Scott is having a hard time defining contemporary documentary, imagine how difficult it must be for the rest of us: New York