Guest blogging on Ted Hope’s TRULY FREE FILM this week, filmmakers Aron Gaudet and Gita Pullapilly talk about their experience creating and distributing their remarkable documentary film THE WAY WE GET BY.
As a part of this 5-segment profile of on their creative journey, they discuss the opportunities they were afforded by becoming Filmmakers in Residence at the WGBH Lab. Through this program, WGBH provides workspace for independent filmmakers, access to editing and screening facilities, mentorship and, importantly, access to industry contacts that can help a project move forward. For Aron and Gita, this resulted in an important contact with POV, which led to a special Veteran’s Day broadcast for the film through this Emmy-award winning series.
Some LEF-funded filmmakers who have benefited from the WGBH Filmmakers in Residence program include Chico Colvard (FAMILY AFFAIR), Kavita Pillay (MY GOOD NAME IS STALIN), Monika Navarro (ANIMAS PERDIDAS) and Brittany Huckabee (THE MOSQUE IN MORGANTOWN).
I definitely recommend following this thread of Aron and Gita’s on Ted Hope’s blog (both frank and educational) and checking out more details on the residency program at WGBH.
– Sara