It’s already time to start thinking about the fall film festivals and your hit list of “must attends,” ESPECIALLY for New England filmmakers, should include the Camden International Film Festival (CIFF) taking place Sept. 30th through Oct. 3rd!
LEF is pleased to continue our support of the Points North Forum, a unique
opportunity for the New England nonfiction
production community to connect with industry execs through several
panels, structured networking sessions, receptions and informal
CIFF is adding a new element to the forum this year – the first Points North Pitch. The Pitch is an opportunity for 6
New England filmmakers to pitch current projects in development to an
international delegation of industry leaders who will provide critical
feedback and advice. This is a rare opportunity – so get those proposals in! Filmmakers with projects in development are invited
to submit proposals by Wednesday, Aug. 25; For more information on how to submit a pitch, visit