As many of you know, any study of the history of technology reveals that it is often at the moment of invention when a technology is used in the most transgressive, creative, and inspirational ways. Examining those projects over time – the early radio farm reports, Muybridge’s study of movement, the first porn films – is a fantastic investigation into human ingenuity, spirit, and drive. The MIT Open Documentary Lab and IDFA’s DocLab have taken on such a project in their collaboration MOMENTS OF INNOVATION. This project seeks to survey the many ways that documentary (in all its forms) and technology have joined forces to help us better understand the world around us. The timeline could definitely use some more material to help deepen the linkages, however I find this to be a great start. In terms of the site design itself, I’m particularly intrigued by the ways the group chose to categorize the nonfiction experience (ex. Immersion, Location, Interactive, Shorts, etc.) and how the user/reader is subtly lead to more information throughout the online experience. Check it out and help them add to this ever-evolving story!