Create a registry for your film!

A wedding registry is a very helpful way to avoid getting terrible gifts
from your family when you and your true love finally make it legal (for
those of us who are allowed to make it legal). But let’s be honest,
your film is really your true love, right? So why not encourage your
family and friends to make a gift through your film registry?

This Center for Independent Documentary-sponsored project from Simple Dog Films chose to do just that – I thought this was a very simple and easily-digestible idea for those uninitiated to the world of online fundraising, but to whom the idea of a registry would seem very familiar.

They create a very simple goal (a European shoot) and break down their costs very clearly – everything from flights for the crew to a beer for the camera person! Where I think this registry might do a bit better is to explain the film a bit more clearly, name those involved,  share some footage, etc.

But the idea itself tickled us over here at LEF, and so we share it with you!


– Sara

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